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Programs by Topic: High School Credit Courses

Chemistry & Physics Courses will not receive the "+Lab" notation on their transcript. 

The deadline for registration was Friday, June 12. Please contact conted@westportps.org with any questions. 

In lieu of in-person registration. You will be contacted by Westport Continuing Education to review this information and to take payment over the phone. PLEASE REVIEW CAREFULLY the requirements for credit courses below.

Students must have prior written approval from their school counselor and curriculum coordinator / department head. An email approval will be accepted, please email to: conted@westportps.org

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Westport Continuing Education works closely with the teachers and administration to offer credit courses over the summer to regional high school students at Staples High School. Each 1-credit class offers the same material as a full-year class, condensed into a 6-week program. Students also get the benefit of smaller class sizes and gain additional skills and experience for help with a college or career choice in the future. Summer courses allow students to satisfy credit requirements in order to free up their schedule during the school year for other courses. Enrollment in follow-up courses at Staples during the school year is contingent upon; successful completion of the summer school course, teacher recommendation, AND seat availability in the desired course, which is not guaranteed. Please view the Program of Studies for course info.

Registration Information:

Registration must be done in person at the Westport Continuing Education main office at Staples High School, #1040. There is no online registration for credit courses. Deadline to register: Friday, June 12 

Register early! Westport Continuing Education determines if a class runs based on enrollment. A minimum number of students is required in order for the class to run. 

Students must have prior written approval from their school counselor and curriculum coordinator / department head. 

Perfect attendance and punctuality are expected. 

Final report cards will be mailed to the student’s home and their guidance department. 

Duplicate reports may be forwarded to other schools at the request of parents and/or student. 

 The deadline to drop a for-credit Westport Continuing Education High School Academics summer class without record and have the class removed from the student’s Staples transcript is the end of the fifth day of the class. If the student withdraws from the class after this date, the student will receive a W (Withdrawn) on their Staples transcript and no credit will be given.

• The deadline to request pass/fail grading in a for-credit Westport Continuing Education High School Academics summer class is the end of the fifth day of the class.

No refunds or credits will be given for withdrawals from high school academic credit courses.

If Westport Continuing Education cancels a class for any reason, the parent/guardian is notified by email and the tuition will be refunded.